Communities for a Healthy Bay (CHB) fully supports and is encouraged by Earthjustice’s recent appeal on behalf of the South Tacoma Neighborhood Council and 350 Tacoma. The appeal alleges that the City of Tacoma violated the State Environmental Policy Act by approving land use permits for the Bridge Industrial Warehouse Complex in South Tacoma, which would be built next to residential areas where residents already suffer from health problems caused by pollution. It’s worth noting that a majority of the individuals living in this area are people of color and experience poverty at a higher rate compared to other areas in the city. Warehousing complexes, like the one proposed for South Tacoma, are notorious for causing significant public health issues due to the high levels of diesel exhaust from thousands of daily truck trips, as well as light and noise pollution.
Moreover, the project site is located on top of the Commencement Bay, South Tacoma Channel Superfund site, which was contaminated by industrial and commercial activities over the past century. If this project moves forward, there is a high risk of disturbing the contaminated sediments during construction, which could become airborne and enter nearby wetlands and Flett Creek, ultimately leading to Puget Sound.
CHB and hundreds of community members and organizations called for a thorough Environmental Impact Statement to be conducted on this project. It is clear that there would be significant harmful impacts on air and water quality, as well as public health if the project goes ahead. CHB fully supports the South Tacoma Neighborhood Council and 350 Tacoma in their appeal of this decision.
Read our comment letter on the topic
Controversial South Tacoma warehouse project to get public airing at Thursday meeting
City was wrong to approve huge warehouse project in South Tacoma, newly filed appeal says