All of us at Citizens for a Healthy Bay are truly humbled by the outpouring of support we received during our Stand for Our Sound online fundraiser. During a year with many uncertainties, we were honored that our supporters continued to commit themselves to clean up, restore, and protect Commencement Bay and our surrounding South Sound waterways.
While we greatly missed seeing you and our other supporters in person, we are pleased to share that Stand for Our Sound raised $22,000!! As our first ever online appeal-only fundraiser, we are thrilled with this outcome. Donations from this fundraiser will aid CHB in funding the policy and technical research that goes into all our programs and the work that we do.
If you missed the opportunity to participate, there is still time to make a donation and help us close our 2020 fundraising gap. Thanks to a generous donation from long time supporters Jeff and Sheri Tonn, any donation made now through the end of the year will be doubled up to $5,000!
Make your donation here.
Can’t make it to the event? Help support Citizens for a Healthy Bay by donating today.
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For questions about future events or sponsorship opportunities please contact Katy Stone, Development Director
(253) 383-2429 Ext. 4