Planning Commission Set to Develop Non-Interim Regulations for the Tacoma Tideflats

January 3, 2021

Planning Commission Set to Develop Non-Interim Regulations for the Tacoma Tideflats

January 3, 2021
By Erin Dilworth, Policy & Technical Program Manager, Citizens for a Healthy Bay

On Tuesday, October 20 the Tacoma City Council unanimously voted to renew the Tideflats Interim Regulations, which put a pause on any new in the Tacoma Tideflats. The vote included a new amendment introduced by Mayor Woodards.

The amendment directed the Planning Commission to evaluate what it would mean to make the Regulations permanent until the Tideflats Subarea Plan process is complete – which is still years away. Further, the amendment orders the Planning Commission to evaluate the impacts of regulating existing high-risk facilities in the Tideflats – including fossil fuel facilities that have gotten a free pass to expand their operations since the Regulations were first adopted three years ago.

The Planning Commission is now in a months-long process to gather information and public input to draft new, non-interim regulations. They will present their findings and recommendations to City Council for a vote during the spring 2021 renewal phase. We believe this is likely our best bet to adopt protections that prohibit existing high-risk facilities from doubling or tripling the amount of fossil fuels they bring through Tacoma – if City Council votes to adopt the Commission’s recommendations.

For a deeper dive into the Planning Commission’s plan, check out their agenda packet from their December 6, 2020 meeting.

Below is the tentative schedule for Planning Commission meetings where the public is invited to join and provide testimony. We will provide updates as they are available, including talking points, comment templates, and Zoom Meeting invite details and call-in information.

All meetings begin at 5:00pm.

To join via Zoom, click:

To call in, dial: 253-215-8782

Use Meeting ID: 875 6909 7865

Meetings listed as a “hearing” will have set-aside time on the agenda to comment on non-interim regulations. Meetings listed as “discussion” or “special meeting” will only allow written comment, which must be emailed to by 4:00pm on the meeting date.

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